Bristol Wood Floor Sanding Company Dust Free Floor Sanding
Bristol Wood Floor Sanding Company          Dust Free Floor Sanding

Gap Filling

When heat fluctuation occurs, it can cause wooden flooring to move which can cause boards to retract and expand. This can result in either shrinkage or creating gaps between boards.


Narrow gaps and small imperfections are filled using solvent based floor resins. Wider gaps are filled by inserting narrow fillets of reclaimed timber

Contact Us

Bristol Wood Floor Sanding Co.

PO Box 121 Westbury Hill




Mob:  07903 176 017

Tel: 07307 619 429



Why Wood Floors?

There are many reasons for you to restore your original floor . The first reason, being cost.

Unlike carpet, there are no additional or hidden cost such as underlay grips and fitting, just the price of sanding and sealing.

Wood floors are easy to maintain and clean and wood floors contribute to a healthy living environment that does not attract or harbour dust mites or mould. This creates a better air quality for all inhabitants, especially for those who suffer from allergies.

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